April 04, 2008

Simplicity at it's best-IMO

This card was and "accidental". It's a 4 1/4x10 inch piece of white cs folded in half (top-fold). I originally only planned to use the polka dot portion as but decided that the leafy branches and feathery curls were too pretty to cover or cut up. the Best wishes sentiment is SU! and stamped with 'celery' whispers ink. The circle is approx. 2 inches in diameter and the black cs used to mat it is about 1/8" larger. Black grosgrain ribbon was all that I felt it needed. I love the simplicity of it...there's not too much going on but it looks pulled together and thought out.


Bethany Paull said...

I agree. If it's this pretty to start with, sometimes it's better to just go with it. Love your card.

Anonymous said...

:-) Very pretty!